Back-to-School Safety: Protecting Children from Auto Accidents

Children crossing

Back-to-school is a happy time, but it can also be pretty stressful. Getting everyone ready on time often leaves kids and parents scrambling. The last thing you need to add to your busy schedule is an auto accident. Even a small fender bender is a huge hassle, and no parent wants to think about the potential dangers of any accident. 

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your kids from auto accidents. As a parent, you know that keeping them safe is worth every bit of effort, so let’s run through some of the strategies you can depend on.

Avoid Distractions by Staying Alert

Children are unpredictable. Any time you’re driving near some kids, you should be extra aware of them and give them space. If the only kids in sight are the ones in your car, it’s still important to stay alert. This is especially true in the school drop off or pick up line.

Trying to stay on top of every school detail can be difficult, but when you’re driving isn’t the time to figure out the papers, emails, and school supply lists. Wait until you’re safely parked to look at your phone or read the letter from the new teacher. There will always be another email; it can wait a few more minutes.

Respect School Buses 

It can be frustrating to be stuck behind a school bus, but it’s worth your time to give it extra room and patience. When you see a school bus stop, come to a stop too, whether you’re behind them or approaching them from the other direction. The bus should flash yellow lights when it’s slowing and red lights when it stops, so watch for that. Children tend to dart out in unexpected directions, so give them lots of space to get on and off the bus safely. 

Making Sure Your Kids Are Safe in the Car

Avoiding an accident is the best way to stay safe, but you should always be prepared for the worst. Make sure your kids are in the appropriate restraints, whether that’s a five-point harness or a seat belt. This is also a good time to talk to them about how important it is not to distract the driver, so they can pay attention to what they do. They should understand that yelling and throwing things isn’t a good idea. 

Teaching Your Kids About Safety

Adults have the most responsibility when it comes to keeping children safe, but they also need to start learning rules to protect them. If they walk to school, be sure they know how to safely cross the street by waiting for the light and using crosswalks. Kids who ride their bikes need to know the rules of the road and how important it is to wear bright clothes so they can be seen. 

Above all, make sure they understand that they must be aware of the cars around them. They should stay close by you in the parking lot and never dash out into the road. This should be an ongoing conversation because some things are worth repeating.

Denver Personal Injury Lawyer For When You Need It Most

No matter how careful you are, you can’t control the other drivers around you. We hope that you never have to deal with an auto accident with your children, but if you do, we are here to help. The Law Office of Miguel Martinez will make sure your rights are protected and that you receive all compensation you’re entitled to. If you need someone on your side in a legal battle, contact us online or call us at (303) 964-3200 today.

Image Source: Richard P Long/Shutterstock