Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Collection Of Information

This website collects non-personally identifiable information about you in a number of ways, including tracking your activities through your IP address or most recently visited URL. The website does not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily submit contact information through a contact form or chat function. Information collected through these website functions may include name, phone number, email address and mailing address. We may also obtain information by you registering an email address with the law firm or emailing the law firm directly. The website may collect personal information from you at other points that state personal information is being collected.

Disclosure Of Information

The Law Offices of Miguel Martinez does not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to any third parties.

Use Of Information

The Law Offices of Miguel Martinez and this website use personally identifiable and non personally identifiable information for internal marketing purposes and site administration. Your information is not used to send unsolicited mailings to you. When applicable, your personally identifiable information may be used to perform the services for which the data was collected. For example, if you submit a contact form for a case evaluation, The Law Offices of Miguel Martinez will use the information for that purpose.

If you decide you no longer wish to receive marketing communication from the law firm, an opportunity to opt-out will be presented in email marketing or you may call the law firm to opt out of all forms of marketing communication.

If the law firm represents or previously represented you in a legal matter, you may receive communication regarding your case necessary to perform legal services or to comply with ethical duties under the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct which govern attorney-client relationships.

Third Party Sites

This privacy policy only addresses activities from the law firm’s servers or websites under its control. Other sites, such as external links from this website or social media platforms, may have their own policies. The Law Offices of Miguel Martinez do not control those companies, applications, or websites, and thus not addressed by this policy.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Review And Removal Of Your Personally Identifiable Data

If you provide the website personally identifiable information to perform ongoing legal services, the law firm will provide you a way to review the information on file and either change or remove the data. Please notify the law firm by post or email and the law firm will provide you with your contact information to review.

To make changes, submit changes by post or email and the law firm will respond to your request for access within thirty days. Unfortunately, to the extent such information is stored in databases with third-party vendors, the law firm cannot always ensure that such corrections or deletions will reach third-party databases. If you wish to have the information provided removed from the law firm records, please provide the firm with the information as you submitted to us. The law firm will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that your information is removed from records.

Please note, the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct may require the law firm to retain information to comply with ethical duties. Among these ethical duties is a duty to protect clients or prospective clients from conflicts in representation which requires determining if the firm received information regarding an opposing or potentially opposing party to a client or prospective client. If the law firm must retain information for ethical purposes against your request to remove or change information, the law firm will not retain or use your personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

Cookies And Other Tracking Methods

When you access this website, it may store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a cookie or similar file. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your device only. Cookies, which relate to personal information, do not spy on you or otherwise invade your privacy. They cannot invade your device or steal information.

Cookies assist the law firm with facilitating navigation, delivering information and presenting advertising material. Cookies can help provide information targeted to your interests. They allow the law firm to better understand how users access the website. This allows the law firm to focus resources on features and topics most popular with website users. You may decline or delete cookies if your browser permits. Some parts of the site may not work correctly without a cookie. Front Range Injury Attorneys cannot guarantee the functionality or completeness of information on this website without a stored cookie.